If you know me in person, you’ve probably already figured out that I like to read. During COV-19, I read less because I wanted to make sure I could practice new coaching skills and knowledge. I was inspired when I came across Ahren’s method of taking smart notes which can help you improve your comprehension.
Here are my quick notes of the steps:
Note= study + learning + future writing topic.
Reading & Taking Notes
book marks
write down page and items of interest (exact wording)
My thoughts on it
Q & A for Booking Review Articles
Why choose this book?
One sentence summary
Recommendation–who would like this book?
Regular Writing System With Different Topics
Take Notes–referring to note (Reading 1.a-c)
Review Notes
Pick Topic
Writing System With Previous Notes
Point of View–referring to note (Q&A 3.a & 3.b)
Example–referring to note (Reading 2.b & 2.c)
Conclusion –referring to note (Q&A 3.c)
Questions to reflect:
What does it mean to you about reading and taking notes ?
I also create a template for easy access, preview here:
Link here:
Video credit: 閱讀前哨站 · 小型直播課程:如何寫出一篇讀書筆記 (https://www.facebook.com/100063894513009/videos/347858180632423)
Book credit: How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking