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How To Write SMART Notes

If you know me in person, you’ve probably already figured out that I like to read. During COV-19, I read less because I wanted to make sure I could practice new coaching skills and knowledge. I was inspired when I came across Ahren’s method of taking smart notes which can help you improve your comprehension.

Here are my quick notes of the steps:

Note= study + learning + future writing topic.

  1. Reading & Taking Notes

    1. book marks

    2. write down page and items of interest (exact wording)

    3. My thoughts on it

  2. Q & A for Booking Review Articles

    1. Why choose this book?

    2. One sentence summary

    3. Recommendation–who would like this book?

  3. Regular Writing System With Different Topics

    1. Take Notes–referring to note (Reading 1.a-c)

    2. Review Notes

    3. Pick Topic

  4. Writing System With Previous Notes

    1. Point of View–referring to note (Q&A 3.a & 3.b)

    2. Example–referring to note (Reading 2.b & 2.c)

    3. Conclusion –referring to note (Q&A 3.c)

Questions to reflect:

What does it mean to you about reading and taking notes ?

I also create a template for easy access, preview here:

Link here:


Video credit: 閱讀前哨站 · 小型直播課程:如何寫出一篇讀書筆記 (

Book credit: How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking

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